Cengage Unlimited


Cengage Unlimited


Learn about Cengage Unlimited!

What is Cengage Unlimited?

Cengage Unlimited is a digital subscription service for textbooks and digital platforms published by Cengage. It’s like Netflix – but for textbooks. One subscription will give you access to Cengage’s digital library for the period of your subscription.

Where can I purchase Cengage Unlimited and what is the cost?

  • Cengage Unlimited is available at the NWTC Bookstore or at Cengage.com.
  • At the NWTC Bookstore, you can use your Financial or Payment Plan, cash, check, or credit card.
  • At Cengage.com, a credit card is required.

     Subscription Description  NWTC Bookstore Cengage.com 
     4-month eBook subscription  $94.11 $79.99**
     4-month courseware subscription*  $152.93 $129.99**
     12-month courseware subscription*  $235.28 $199.99**
     24-month courseware subscription*  $352.93 $299.99**
  • *Courseware subscription included access to eBooks
  • **The bookstore price is set by the contract between Cengage and RedShelf (the Bookstore’s digital content partner). Cengage requires that college bookstores use a third party vendor like RedShelf to distribute their product and does not allow college bookstores to sell the Cengage Unlimited product at the same price as they do on their website.

How do I know if I will be using textbooks published by Cengage?

Check out your booklist on your student portal (Go to ‘Academics’ and then ‘Booklist’) and look at the ‘Publisher’ column for your books. If it says ‘Cengage’, the book is available on Cengage Unlimited. The only exception is if there is a # after the author’s name.

If you have books on your list that are published by Cengage, now you must decide:



Are you enrolled (or will you be taking) in more than one Inclusive Access class using MindTap or CNOW?

Course Digital Materials Fee
 Accounting 1 $81.25
Accounting 2 $82.25
Accounting - Cost $85.75
Accounting - Managerial $85.75
Accounting Principles $131.25
Data Analytics 1 $81.25
Data Analytics 2 $81.25
 Spanish 101 $64.50
Spanish 102 $64.50

If you answered ‘yes’ – then Cengage Unlimited is the choice for you because:


4-month subscription = $152.93

One year subscription = $235.28

Two year subscription = $352.93

What’s your learning style?

  • Do you prefer to read your books on one of your devices? Then Cengage Unlimited is a great option because it can save you money and it fits into how you learn.
  • If the print copy is going to be the best tool to help you succeed, then Cengage Unlimited still might be the tool for you because, with your subscription, you are able to rent printed copies directly from Cengage (credit card only – financial aid is not accepted) for the price of shipping. If you would like a printed resource that is yours to keep, please check with us at the NWTC Bookstore.

What does your syllabus say?

There are some programs and courses where the instructional teams have specified a preference for students using the print version of the textbook. Please consult your syllabus to verify if your instructor requires you have the print copy.

How do I know if I already have a Cengage Unlimited Subscription?

Login to Cengage.com, click on the down arrow next to your name in the upper right hand corner, then click on ‘My subscriptions’. Would you like to see a quick video? Please click here.

Do you need help with Cengage Unlimited?